Hey Friends! I need your help finding a new TV show on Netflix to watch. I've watched several ... way too many...eek. I'll tell you some I liked and then you tell me yours..k?
The Walking Dead... yes I like it :) Ronnie didn't watch this one with me and he doesn't seem to mind but I think it was gooood. I'm itching for the next season to come on Netflix.
Warehouse 13 .... Now Sci-Fi TV shows have a knack for being... well hokey...but this is so cute and good and clean. Loves it!
I Shouldn't Be Alive .... horrific stories that people live through. I have a new outlook on life...watch and you'll see.
Out of the Wild....There are only two seasons of this one. People start out in the middle of nowhere and then have to find their way out of the wild with basically no supplies.
24...We watched this one a while ago. You notice a lot of phrases that Jack uses over and over again but it was entertaining.
Burn Notice... Ronnie is really into this one. I like this but it isn't my favorite or anything.
I also confess I watched Babysitters Club. Don't judge.
Now tell me...what do you like....besides Downton Abbey.
We fell in love with the West Wing. The dialogue is the best out there! The first episode is a little racy but it is 99% clean. We also liked Arrested Development, though it is a comedy that Randi turned us on to and it is a little more PG-13. Let us know what you decide!
I loved Once Upon a Time
Once upon a time,
White Collar
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