Saturday, December 20, 2008

O Christmas Tree

A couple weeks ago Ronnie and I picked out our first Christmas Tree. Trees are expensive! We went to one of the local schools and picked one least they donated some of the money to the school. I was really excited to get a tree and to decorate it. Obviously, Ronnie knew this about me. It was late at night and I wanted to put the lights on the tree. :) He said he had a feeling I would want to...haha. Over the years my mom has gotten me an ornament every year and now I have them to put on my tree! We strung some popcorn and wrapped it around the tree. Ronnie found our tree stand on the side of the road by the trash...nothin' like a free tree stand! Time is going by so fast and I can't believe Christmas is in just a few days. Ronnie and I have already been married for 5 months! Ronnie has also just finished his semester in law school. Now he can take a break from studying and enjoy the Christmas season. We are going to my parents home for Christmas this year. I'm excited to see my brother who is flying in from Utah today. We haven't been home for Christmas for a while (we often go somewhere south...) but it will be nice. I'm looking forward to relaxing and good food. Well I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and travel safe!


Anonymous said...

Adam just finished his semester yesterday as well...WHEW! It flew by...

Your tree is fantastic! We just bought a fake one, but it is still fun to decorate :)

Have fun with your family for Christmas and tell them all I said hello! Love you! Tell RonnEEE hi from both of us, as well!

Laura said...

Your tree is lovely! Hooray for finishing the semester and getting to relax. Merry Christmas!