Leo is 8 months!
I feel like Leo has really grown this past month!
About Leo:
- Walks around with his scooter and with the help of the couch, etc.
- Plays peek a boo with you (including with the dog)
- Listens when you say "no, no" and will usually stop! It's impressive!
- Slept through the night 2 or 3 times this month and now usually wakes up once!
- Tries to put his leg over in the tub while we're waiting for the water.
- Doesn't sit still for much...
- ...except when reading a good book like Goodnight Moon or Dear Zoo.
- Loves going places and taking walks.
- Loves cheerios!
Making loud squealy laugh.
I loved the pictures of Leo, and he has progressed so much! What a sweet and wonderful little guy he is! His legs look pretty sturdy, so I can imagine what will happen when he starts running!
That picture of him standing is too cute! What a funny guy wanting to jump in the tub so quick!
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